Stewardship Giving Opportunities
Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9:7
As good stewards, we are intentional in sharing our treasure and give it prayerful consideration. We strive to give joyfully from our first fruits in proportion to what we have been given. There are multiple ways of giving to your parish.
As good stewards, we are intentional in sharing our treasure and give it prayerful consideration. We strive to give joyfully from our first fruits in proportion to what we have been given. There are multiple ways of giving to your parish.

Online Giving
For your convenience, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church offers a safe and simple method of making offertory contributions from your mobile device or computer via Our Sunday Visitor. You will be able to securely access and make changes to your account anytime online or by calling them directly. There is no cost to you for joining or making your donations through this program.
Weekly Envelopes
Envelopes are mailed monthly to every registered household in the parish. In addition to the weekly offertory, a PLEC (Parish Life and Education Center) Second Collection is taken on the first Sunday of each month to help with our monthly mortgage.
Diocesan Support Appeal (DSA)
Click here to give to the Diocesan Support Appeal online. Please be sure to list your home parish as Immaculate Heart of Mary, High Point - 064.
Gifts of Stock or Securities
IHM accepts donations of appreciated stock or securities. This method of giving may have tax benefits for you in the deferral of capital gains. Stock donation forms are available by contacting the Church Bookkeeper, Barbara Brandsema at 336-887-2613, ext. 7135.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Don’t cancel life insurance you don’t need! By naming Immaculate Heart of Mary Church as the beneficiary, you will provide lasting financial support and possibly qualify for tax benefits as well.
Remember Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Your Will
Have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to the Roman Catholic Parish of Immaculate Heart of Mary, High Point, NC the sum of $_____ or_____percent of the residue of my estate, whichever is greater, for its religious, educational and charitable works.”
If you would like more information about any of these methods of giving, please contact the Church Bookkeeper, Barbara Brandsema at 336-887-2613, ext. 7135. As always, please contact your tax professional to discuss specific tax implications.
Thank you for your generosity!
For your convenience, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church offers a safe and simple method of making offertory contributions from your mobile device or computer via Our Sunday Visitor. You will be able to securely access and make changes to your account anytime online or by calling them directly. There is no cost to you for joining or making your donations through this program.
Weekly Envelopes
Envelopes are mailed monthly to every registered household in the parish. In addition to the weekly offertory, a PLEC (Parish Life and Education Center) Second Collection is taken on the first Sunday of each month to help with our monthly mortgage.
Diocesan Support Appeal (DSA)
Click here to give to the Diocesan Support Appeal online. Please be sure to list your home parish as Immaculate Heart of Mary, High Point - 064.
Gifts of Stock or Securities
IHM accepts donations of appreciated stock or securities. This method of giving may have tax benefits for you in the deferral of capital gains. Stock donation forms are available by contacting the Church Bookkeeper, Barbara Brandsema at 336-887-2613, ext. 7135.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Don’t cancel life insurance you don’t need! By naming Immaculate Heart of Mary Church as the beneficiary, you will provide lasting financial support and possibly qualify for tax benefits as well.
Remember Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Your Will
Have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to the Roman Catholic Parish of Immaculate Heart of Mary, High Point, NC the sum of $_____ or_____percent of the residue of my estate, whichever is greater, for its religious, educational and charitable works.”
If you would like more information about any of these methods of giving, please contact the Church Bookkeeper, Barbara Brandsema at 336-887-2613, ext. 7135. As always, please contact your tax professional to discuss specific tax implications.
Thank you for your generosity!
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church 4145 Johnson Street High Point NC 27265 Phone: 336-869-7739 Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Offices closed daily 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM |